Friday, May 4, 2012

Starting a Business? The Ten Essential Skills For Business Success


What you are doing right now has within it the seeds of your life's work translated into success in owning your own business. As you may have discovered, each time you get a new job you use many of the skills you have already developed. It is as if every job prepares you in some way for the next one.

Every skill you acquire that you love using will be important as you follow your steps towards controlling your future. You may not understand why you took a job or developed a particular talent or ability but the skills you have learned will be of value to you and enhance your self-reliance. Trust that what you are doing now is helping you gain skills that will be used in starting and building your business.

You are learning skills right now that you may use later in different ways to help you to control your future. You have many skills and talents and an amazing wealth of past experiences and knowledge. You can identify some of your skills and knowledge by looking at all the schools, workshops, and classes you have attended. Look at the books you have read, the tapes you have listened to, and the educational television programs you have watched.

When you evaluate your skills, remember all the jobs you have had, even volunteer jobs, such as helping out at your children's school or at your church, as well as all the activities you did after school and during the summer.

However, if you are considering controlling your future by starting a business, business success depends more on several skills (essential and learnable) than any particular education or experience. I have boiled it down to ten essential skills for business success:
1) leadership,
2) organization and time management,
3) selling skills,
4) information acquisition and management,
5) current technologies,
6) persuasion and negotiation,
7) judgment (making good decisions and choices),
8) financial,
9) writing,
10) and, speaking

Perhaps one of your highest skills is counseling people. You may have a knack for assisting people in finding solutions to their problems and creating new visions for themselves. You can find ways to use these skills in any job you have, and thus do your life's work more fully right now. Or, these skills may lead to some form of counseling as your full-time business. The more opportunity you have to do activities you love, the more you will make the contribution you came to make and the more abundance you will attract.

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